Radiometric potash belt weigher

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Product information

Description,  technical data, measuring principle


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Your specialists for non-contact measurements

As an international active and renowned manufacturer, supplier and service provider of measuring systems for the non-contact determination of various process parameters (e.g. density and humidity) mainly in bulk goods (e.g. coal, potassium salt) by means of different physical measuring principles, we have an extensive range of products.

The products have been designed and developed to be used in numerous applications.

Product specification

Radiometric belt scale for continuous load measurement


The  radiometric potash belt scale RGI is used for continuous, uninterrupted measurement of the mass of a medium to be transported and its potassium mass fraction.

The  identical RGI detectors of type WDxx or MDxx are used for the mass determination.

The  number of detectors to be used depends on the general conditions, such as the width of the conveyor belt: usually between five and eight units.

To  determine the mass of the material to be measured, it is necessary to know the transport speed on the conveyor belt. This information can be supplied by a tachometer in the RGI measurement system package or by an external information system.

Container with readioactive source
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MDxx, WDxx
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Software for Radiometric potash belt weigher
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Measuring principle

Beim  Durchdringen von Materie wird die Intensität von Strahlung in Abhängigkeit der Masse der Materie abgeschwächt.

Bringt  man nun über dem Förderband einen radioaktiven Strahler (in der Regel Cs) und unter dem Förderband einen Detektor an, so kann über den so gemessenen Intensitätsabfall der Strahlung auf die Masse des auf dem Förderband befindlichen Messgutes zurück geschlossen werden.

Bei  der Bestimmung des Masseanteils von Kalium im Messgut verwendet man die Strahlung des im Kalium immer in gleichem Mengenanteil vorhandenen radioaktiven Isotops K.

Da  die Intensität der Strahlung sowohl von der absoluten Menge an K als auch der Menge an Messgut abhängig ist, ist es für die Bestimmung des Masseanteils notwendig, entweder die Menge an auf dem Förderband transportiertem Messgut konstant zu halten oder die Menge des Messgutes zu erfassen.

In  den Messvorrichtungen zur Bestimmung des Masseanteils von Kalium im auf dem Förderband transportiertem Gutes auf der Basis der Detektion von Gammastrahlung (Detektor RGI PD125) wird immer die Menge des Messgutes erfasst.

Im  Aufbau der Radiometrischen Bandwaage RGI wird die benötigte Information über die Menge des Messgutes von der Teilkomponente zur Massenbestimmung geliefert.

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That's what makes RGI products so special

User friendly

● simple, intuitive teaching
● retrofitting
● no contact with the material to be measured
● Measurement independent of:
- medium
- process conditions

Safety and quality

● Maintenance-free because there is no wear
● high operational reliability
● Long-term stable measurement
● Recalibration is not necessary
● Checks before delivery:
- Quality, climate and function

"Made in Germany"

● own development and production in Germany
● Use of high quality materials and components
● Use of proven technology
● Worldwide sales and on-site service by trained personnel

Quick product selection

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You have questions - need help - ´re looking for a solution?

Our staff would be happy to help you and take care of your inquiries and orders.

You can get help and advice on the selection of the measuring system that best suits your application
from our experts in process measurement technology.