In order to reduce the cost and effort involved in the extraction and post-treatment of coal seams due to the natural proportion of non-recyclable material, the specialists at RGI developed this measuring system, with which the ash content can be determined on site and the best possible results can be achieved.
Complete measuring system for determining and calculating the ash content in coal consisting of two measuring lines, each with a radiation source, the associated detector and an industrial PC with the software ASH-MONITOR
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Screening container with radiation source
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Radiation detector
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Electromagnetic waves such as X-rays or gamma rays are absorbed in the material in different ways, which is why it depends on the energy of the radiation and on the material itself, how it is absorbed.
High energy waves and low atomic numbers are absorbed depending on the density (or bulk density) of the material.
In addition, the absorption is of course also dependent on the layer thickness.
This means that the absorption depends on the weight of the material through which the radiation has passed (the weight increases as the path becomes longer or as the density increases).
Density and thickness can be measured using radiation: if one value is constant, the other can be calculated.
Lower energy radiation and higher atomic numbers are absorbed in the same way, but additionally according to the atomic weight (as higher the atomic weight and the lower the energy are, the higher the absorption will be).
For analysis purposes, a weak energy is required to determine the atomic composition.
But the weight also influences the damping, which is why a higher-energy radiation must also be applied to obtain a signal that is only influenced by the weight, but not by the atomic composition.
Both signals can be used mathematically to determine the composition.
Certain factors are responsible for possible errors and good or bad accuracy.
The coal coming out of a mine normally gives an accuracy of better than ± 0.5% standard error for about 10% ash, even with hard coal. Even better results are achieved with ash contents below 10%. With higher ash contents, the error is greater, but not because of the principle, but because of the higher error of the laboratories.
The system must be calibrated with a laboratory error of 0.3% and is therefore of limited accuracy.
The most important possible error is caused by the coal itself: the measuring principle is based on the distinction between two components. In reality, it's about ten.
If the composition of the ash changes, it causes a minor error. however, since the two main components have almost the same absorption coefficient, this ratio does not lead to an incorrect display.
Attention must be drawn to such changes in iron content. The theoretical error can be very large, but is not very important in practice. Nevertheless, it must be observed.
Another mistake can be caused by the moisture content and only if the ash content is approx. 5 - 10% will no error be caused since water is measured as coal, however an error can occur with higher contents, but this can be compensated with an RGI microwave moisture meter.
To measure the radiation, it has to be absorbed, where as denser the absorber material is, the higher the absorption will be.
There are gas-filled ionization chambers or Geiger tubes, but much more sensitive is a NaJ crystal with a density of 3.7 g / cm 3, which generates small flashes of light when exposed to radiation that must be detected by a light amplifier called a photomultiplier.
The entire sensor must be installed in a mechanical protective and light-tight housing and stabilized against interference.
Both radiation sources must be shielded in lead containers so that the rays cannot spread in all directions, but a thin channel ensures that the useful beam can only exit in one direction.
The radiation is measured by a scintillation counter, which is the most sensitive detector for industrial applications, where both - the source and the detector - form a measurement path, which is required to determine the ash content.
It would be possible to use only one detector for both radiations, but since each radiation physically influences the other in the detector, it is more reliable to use separate ones.
The source or detector can be installed above or below the conveyor belt. The measuring paths should be at least 1 m apart.
A solid mechanical frame is required to prevent changes in the distance between the source and detector: it must be absolutely constant to avoid measurement errors.
A cesium-137 radiation source is a relatively high energy source, where the energy is high enough to be independent of the composition, but low enough to handle it safely.
This makes it possible to determine the weight of the material that it has passed through with great precision, as is the case, for example, with radiometric belt scales.
Another radiation-emitting material is Americium-241, which energy is lower: a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.8 mm weakens the intensity by half.
In coal, the part called ash absorbs the radiation of the Am-241 much more than the carbon, i.e. a higher ash content leads to a relatively strong increase in absorption.
Unfortunately, in practice there is no way that this absorption is not influenced by the density or layer thickness, e.g. by loading a conveyor belt.
Both signals are therefore required together to mathematically calculate the ash content.
A software which uses only advanced math does not help the user: it must be applicable and calibrated without an advanced math background.
For this purpose, a table is implemented in the evaluation software, in which laboratory values can be stored and used as a comparison, as well as an automatic routine for determining the calibration curve determines the coefficients and immediately shows how good the adjustment was.
It is not only important to simply display the measurement results, but the table can also be used as a data store, where all measured values are displayed over a period of 1 hour, 1 shift and 1 day back for 30 days.
In the service menu, the software can be used to change the assignment of the wiring terminals so that a relay or an analog output is switched from one terminal to another.
The evaluation unit is therefore not only a simple display of the ash content, but also fits into the process and can help with the control.
● simple, intuitive teaching
● retrofitting
● no contact with the material to be measured
● Measurement independent of:
- medium
- process conditions
● Maintenance-free because there is no wear
● high operational reliability
● Long-term stable measurement
● Recalibration is not necessary
● Checks before delivery:
- Quality, climate and function
● own development and production in Germany
● Use of high quality materials and components
● Use of proven technology
● Worldwide sales and on-site service by trained personnel
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You can get help and advice on the selection of the measuring system that best suits your application
from our experts in process measurement technology.