By using the radiometric belt scale from RGI you can optimize your conveying process, because this system measures conveying quantities, throughput and mass flow without contact and can be used with all known conveying systems.
The measuring system not only works extremely precisely, it is also not influenced by dust, weather, vibrations and other properties of the conveyed material.
A continuously measuring balance is expected to determine the amount of a flow and to deliver the delivered amount per time interval or the integrated amount over a period of time as an output value.
For this task, this means determining the weight of the flow rate for a section:
● gravimetric - section must be movably supported, since weight can only be determined via a deflection
● radiometric - weight is not determined directly via gravity, but by means of radiation of the mass.
Screening container with radiation source
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Szintillator detector
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Controller for radiometrc belt weigher
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If x-rays can show a bone in one leg, it is because the bone has a higher density than the adjacent tissue.
If there are enough gray tones, the film shows an exact image of the density distribution in the leg: with a thicker leg, the intensity of the radiation coming through is also lower than with a thin leg.
When "screening" the occupancy of a conveyor belt, the density distribution is also measured and the mass is determined therefrom.
Decisive for the weakening of the radiation is the bulk density and the path that the radiation travels in the required material, i.e. the level of coverage.
The result is the mass per unit area.
Since the bandwidth is known, this value only has to be multiplied by the speed of the flow rate in order to arrive at the weight per unit of time.
If the intensity of the radiation, when it has penetrated the material, is measured with only one detector, then only one value is obtained for the total mass between the emitter and the detector.
However, this value also depends on other conditions (e.g. occupancy profile), because if the material being conveyed is distributed differently on the conveyor belt with the same conveying capacity, this can cause a different result.
In such a RGI belt weigher system, measurements are usually made with 5 or more detectors: if the occupancy profile changes, this is reflected in the output signals of the individual detectors, but the sum signal is still correct because only the profile changes, but not the amount of material transported Has.
The RGI belt weigher system with a multi-detector system is therefore independent of the profile.
The multi-detector principle allows the arrangement to be largely adapted to the applications:
● So it is difficult with garland ribbons to pass a straight crossbar between the lower and upper run, the placement of the individual detectors can be done easily and according to the measurement requirements.
● In the case of a screw conveyor, the arrangement is made so that the entire material to be conveyed is optimally recorded.
The result and therefore the accuracy of the measurement using a radiometric belt scale are independent of:
● pollution
● Belt slope
● Wind load
● Belt misalignment
● Belt tension
● Band stiffness
● environmental influences
Another major advantage of our measurement technology is its stable reproducibility over years, which is why regular recalibrations are not necessary.
Measuring ranges:
● Mass: 0-6000 tons / hour
● Humidity: 0 - 50% rel.
● Ash content: 0 - 50%
Belt parameters:
● Speed: <6 m / s
● Width: up to 2000 mm
● Distance rollers: 500 ... 1500 mm
● Roll diameter: 50 ... 200 mm
● Measurement conditions
● Maximum filling height on a conveyor belt up to 800 mm
- mounting bracket up to 45%
- material particle size from 0 to 500 mm
Measuring accuracy
● Mass: +/- 1.5% rel.
● Ash content: +/- 1.5% abs.
● Humidity: +/- 1.5% abs.
Permissible temperatures
● Measuring point: - 40 to +50 ° C
● Space of the data processing unit: +10 to +40 ° C
Supply voltage
● 24V DC, 115 / 230V AC
Sources (emitters):
● Americium-241
● Cesium-137 IGIA-Zml, 4 • 10¹ & sup0; Bq IGI-Ts-3-10³ • 109 Bq
● simple, intuitive teaching
● retrofitting
● no contact with the material to be measured
● Measurement independent of:
- medium
- process conditions
● Maintenance-free because there is no wear
● high operational reliability
● Long-term stable measurement
● Recalibration is not necessary
● Checks before delivery:
- Quality, climate and function
● own development and production in Germany
● Use of high quality materials and components
● Use of proven technology
● Worldwide sales and on-site service by trained personnel
Our staff would be happy to help you and take care of your inquiries and orders.
You can get help and advice on the selection of the measuring system that best suits your application
from our experts in process measurement technology.