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The communication with the processor-controlled hardware and the internal processing is only possible by using user software and processor firmware.


In  processor-controlled measurement technology, the programming of the data processing and communicating components plays a key role in the development of new devices and systems.

We differentiate between programming processors and programming user software.

In order for the devices and systems developed by us to understand and handle the data to be recorded, processed and communicated, the corresponding processors must be programmed accordingly.

Our systems mainly use 8-bit CMOS microcontrollers from the C51 series from SIEMENS.

mobirise, pixabay

The user software is necessary so that the customer can on the one hand configure his devices, systems and systems using a computer, but on the other hand can also graphically display and process or save the data on the computer.

All software is designed for the widely used Micorsoft® Windows® user interface and usability.

This makes it easier for customers to install and operate software and devices.

Our developers are experienced programmers who also incorporate current Micorsoft® Windows® versions and customer feedback into the development.

mobirise, pixabay

You have questions - need help - ´re looking for a solution?

Our staff would be happy to help you and take care of your inquiries and orders.

You can get help and advice on the selection of the measuring system that best suits your application
from our experts in process measurement technology.